The Slave Planet Page 18
She only had three tools and an explicit set of instructions that Tronic had delivered to her at an exorbitant price earlier in the day.
She opened a small box, pulled out a flat square the size of a gum wrapper, and placed it on the ground. The square beeped, and whooshed, expanding until it was shoulder width wide. Nadira stood on the newly formed board, and shifted her weight forward. The board rose in the air, stopping in front of Arees’ office window.
Nadira pulled out a second tool the size of a pen. She clicked a button. The tip of the tool glowed red in the dark. She placed it to the window, and cut out the bottom half of the glass. The heavy square fell backwards into her arms, leaving little stripes of red where the edges touched her skin. She dropped it, and heard it land on the origgrow with a soft thump.
Carefully placing her body inside the window, she allowed herself to fall forward through the hole, landing head first into Arees’ office.
She stilled.
The office was furnished with a large desk, a comfortable chair, and a bookshelf that stretched the length of one wall. On the opposite wall of the office was a wall comm.
Voices from below floated up to her. Tonight, Czarina Arees entertained Maharani Nina and Princess Niadad. She’d spied their hovercrafts out front.
The smell of food filled the office. The sound of servants running back and forth kept her squat beneath the window.
Get up Naddie. We don’t have time. We have to get the evidence and get out of here. Get up!
Forcing herself to her feet, she walked to the desk, and pulled out her third tool, a clear oval shard of glass. She ran it over the desk. It illuminated fingerprints, making them glow blue.
Arees fingerprints.
She hovered the glass over a fully formed print, and the shard turned red, before beeping quietly. She then walked to the side of the wall comm, and held the glass over the fingerprint scanner there. The comm’s screen turned to white, awaiting further instructions.
She dropped the shard of glass on the floor, took a touch screen out of her satchel, and held it up to the comm. It wirelessly connected with the wall comm, downloading its contents.
Suddenly, the sound of a whistle.
Is that a-
Below, the unmistakable sound of a Venian Blaster firing.
A scream.
Heart pounding, Nadira willed the download to complete.
Come on, hurry up!
Another whistle.
“No, Arees don’t!”
Another Blaster fired.
Arees? Nadira contemplated investigating the commotion, decided against it, and returned to her task. Whatever was happening downstairs, she wanted no part of it.
COMPLETE flashed across the screen in bold white letters. Shoving the touch screen in her satchel, she ran around the desk, and looked for her board. It had shifted several feet from the window.
She swore.
A loud argument, feet running, coming closer.
Out of options, Nadira jumped from the window, hands reaching desperately for her only safe way down. Her fingertips found purchase on the board’s edge. She held on tightly as it glided back down to the grass.
A third shot.
Behind her, the light to Arees office clicked on. Someone yelled.
Not stopping or turning around, she ran for her life.
Chapter 27
Nadira didn’t breathe again until she landed her hovercraft in Eva’s garage.
She was breathless as she banged on the door.
Lex snatched the door open.
“Empress Nadira?”
“Is Eva in?” Nadira asked, pushing past Lex and into the house.
She found Eva sitting on the sofa, entranced by the news feeds.
“Nadira, what are you doing here?”
“I think I got the evidence.”
She took out her touch screen and flopped down on the sofa.
“It’s a backup of every comm that Arees has made from her office. I haven’t looked at it yet because someone started shooting, but Kiln said that Arees and Bragnia were comming each other when they brought him in, so I’m guessing that there must be something on one of these, right?”
“Nadira, have you seen the news feeds?”
“No, I was at Arees’ house.” She began scrolling through the conversations on the touch screen.
“You were at Arees’ house?” Eva asked.
“I had to find evidence. Tronic gave me these gadgets to help me break in and download the conversations from her wall comm.”
“You broke into Arees house? Why couldn’t Tronic do what he needed to do from the Hollow?”
“He said that they needed a direct link or something. The other stuff they could get from their own surveillance systems, but the wall comm had some sort of weird encryption on it.”
Eva shook her head, her mouth working slowly. “Nadira, the Maharani Nina and Princess Niadad are dead.”
Nadira didn’t look up from her search. “Oh?”
“Nadira, look at me!”
Nadira’s eyes shot up in irritation.
“There was a hostage situation at Arees’ house. Two of Arees’ slaves went crazy, shot Niadad, Nina, and Arees.”
“What? When?”
“Tonight. Did you hear anything while you were there?”
“There was a scream, then a shot. Someone screamed Arees name. They said, “No, Arees, don’t”. Then a second shot. When I was leaving, I heard a third. That’s it.”
Eva looked at Lex, and back at Nadira. “Naddie, we have to stop this crazy search. It isn’t safe. People are dying.”
Nadira ignored her, kept scrolling through her touch screen.
Eva snatched the touch screen from Nadira’s hand.
“Will you stop looking at the touch screen for two seconds? Two people are dead.”
“I don’t care!” Nadira snatched the touch screen back. “If I don’t find what I need, Kiln will be dead too. I can’t let that happen.”
“This search is going to destroy you.”
“That may be, but I’ll never stop trying to save him. Now you can help me look or I can leave and do it on my own.”
“I am not the enemy here. Arees is. I’m your friend.”
“Then prove it.”
She held Eva’s shocked gaze before turning to the wall comm, and bringing up the contents of her touch screen.
“Download the files and help me look. If you are my friend, now is the time to prove it.”
Eva looked at Lex, then back at Nadira.
“I’m afraid that this isn’t going to end well.”
“Eva, please. Kiln needs us and I need him. Please help me. If anything happened to him, I would never forgive myself. Please help me.” Tears clouded Nadira’s eye. “I love him. I can’t lose him.”
Eva sighed, slowly picked up her touch screen, connected to the wall comm, and began to thumb through.
“I’ll get some refreshments,” Lex said, disappearing into the kitchen.
There has to be something, Nadira thought. For Kiln’s sake, there must be something.
The night passed. News of the hostage situation played in the background as they scrolled through hundreds of conversations, looking for a single needle within the haystacks that lay all around them.
Countess Jun-Su, the sole, unhurt party in the hostage situation, sat comfortably in the interview chair. She had changed into a purple jumpsuit with a cape. She wore a matching purple headband around her high bun. The jumpsuit was cut out at the shoulders, revealing matching yellow sun tattoos. The garment stopped below her breast, exposing her flat stomach, before starting again low on her hips. Her face was made up in purple eye shadow, and sparkling lips. She seemed comfortable and confident as she recounted her eyewitness account to the interviewer.
“Malik and Gauge, two of Arees slaves, fired a warning shot to get our attention. They told us to go into the sitting roo
m, and, when we went, they gave Arees a list of their demands.”
Nadira’s head shot up, her eyes narrowing as she took in Jun-Su’s account.
“What kind of demands?” the interviewer asked.
“They wanted a ship to take them to Mars. And they wanted all men to be declared free. Obviously Arees refused. That’s when Malik shot Niadad. Arees refused his demands again. Then Nina was shot. Some blood spilled on Malik, and he went into the kitchen to clean up, leaving us alone with Gauge. You have to understand, we feared for our lives.”
Nadira gasped. Lies!
“What did you do?” the interviewer asked.
“Arees seized the opportunity and attacked. She got shot in the arm before taking Gauge down. Then, we laid in wait for the second attacker to come back from the kitchen, and when he did, Arees shot him as well.”
“What a harrowing story.”
“It was the most scared that I’ve ever been. I’m just glad that I was able to get away unscathed. I’m so glad that Arees was there to take on those vile men.” She paused, and then looked directly into the camera. “Before Niadad and Marie died, they said something that I will never forget. They said, Arees, you are a true leader. They gave her their support, and the support of their Habitats.” Jun-Su broke out in a sob.
Nadira scoffed.
“Oh Mother Goddess Venus, why?” Jun-Su cried.
The interviewer placed a hand on Jun-Su’s back.
“No woman should have to go through what you’ve been through, Countess.”
“It’s true,” Jun-Su said. “I can’t help but think that High Council is somehow responsible. Maybe if we didn’t have so many slaves, all of these things wouldn’t be happening. First the riots, then they try to kill Baleen, then this. It’s as if every man has gone crazy. We have to do something. We just have to.”
“What do you suggest, Countess?”
“Get rid of them.”
“All of them?”
“Yes, all of them. I was inspired by a recent proposal by Empress Nadira Marie. It’s called the Self Sufficiency Act.”
“What!” Nadira jumped up. “No!”
“By Nadira Marie, do you mean the Ambassador’s daughter?” the interviewer asked.
“Former ambassador,” Jun-Su corrected. “But yes. If she’s watching, I want her to know that I stand with her. We should rid ourselves of all slaves and take back our planet from the vile creatures.”
“That will certainly be a drastic change for the entire planet.”
“That’s not what the proposal was for!” Nadira cried. “It was to free them, not kill them! She’s twisting my words!”
“What is our safety worth to you?” Jun-Su asked. “Is it worth learning how to cook for yourself? How to wash your own clothes? How to look after your own daughter?”
“Turn it off,” Eva said.
“That was not the purpose of my bill, and you know it, you evil, vile woman!” Nadira shouted at the screen.
“Comm off!” Eva called out.
The screen blanked.
Eva shook her head. “Jun-Su is just as crazy as Arees.”
“I hate her,” Nadira growled. “It’s a good thing she’s not on the ballot. Then we’d have to deal with two crazies.”
“I’m surprised she wasn’t nominated. She’s rich, and she has more connections then anyone I’ve ever met.”
“So why is she backing Arees?”
“Who knows?”
After most of the night had fled, Lex jumped up, awakening both Nadira and Eva who had fallen into a slumber.
“I found something!” he cried. He directed the touch screen to the wall comm.
A vertical line stood between Arees and Bragnia.
“All of the men have been wiped and prepped, Czarina.” Bragnia said.
“Excellent. Release them on the city. Do you have my list?”
“Yes, Czarina.”
“Good. Report back to me when it’s done.”
“Yes, Czarina.”
The screen faded.
“That’s it!” Nadira jumped from her seat, and ran to the wall comm. “That’s the evidence that we needed.”
“Wait,” Lex said. “There’s more.”
The screen split again into images of Czarina and Bragnia.
“It’s done, Czarina. We have recaptured all of the men.”
“Process them. When I make my public statement, execute them. Then, I have another assignment for you.”
“Yes, Czarina.”
“Pay a visit to your friend Nadira. I want her slave thrown into holding as well.”
“Yes, Czarina. What reason should I list?”
“Be creative.”
“Yes, Czarina. I have the perfect excuse.”
“Good work, Bragnia. You’ll be Head of Enforcers before the end of the week.”
“Thank you, Czarina. It was an honor.”
Nadira felt close to tears.
“This is the evidence that I need to free Kiln.”
“The minute Arees sees it,” Eva said, “she’ll kill all of us.”
“She won’t know it was us. We’ll release it anonymously.” She jumped up. “I’m going to take these to the news feed immediately. Arees’ reign of terror is over.”
“Nadira we can’t release this footage. Arees will kill us. Do you understand that? She will kill us.”
“I have to go. I have to change, and get an update from Tronic.” She looked down at her dirty jumpsuit.
The reporters will never take me seriously if they see me looking like a crazy person.
“Tronic? From the Hollow?”
“Yes. I had a tail put onto Empress Baleen in case Arees tried to kill her again. Eva, Arees is after everyone I love. She told me so. My mother is already off world, but you and Lex, you’re in danger too. You should think about getting out of here, going off world until everything settles. I don’t want you to get hurt on account of me.”
“Nadira, please don’t talk like that.”
“I’m only telling you the truth.”
“We couldn’t even if we wanted to. Passes off world are hard to come by, and even if we could come by them, we’d have to get sign off from the Head of Transportation.”
“I’m sure that Tronic can help you with that if you ask.”
Nadira headed for the door.
“Nadira, wait. There’s something I should tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I’m voting for Arees tomorrow.”
“I know.”
The disappointment in Nadira’s eyes stole Eva’s breath. “It’s too dangerous not to.”
“It’s not your fight, Eva. It’s mine. Get off world. Stay safe.”
“Will you come with us then?”
“I can’t. I can’t let Arees win. I can’t abandon Kiln.”
Nadira flew out of the door, leaving Eva standing in the doorway.
“If she releases that feed, Arees is going to have her killed.”
“Don’t you see, Empress?” Lex asked. “Releasing those feeds is Nadira’s only protection.”
Eva sat back down on the sofa, not confident that they had any protection left as the lights began to come up outside of her window, signaling a new day.
Chapter 28
Nadira landed the hovercraft on her roof and climbed down the two short flights of stairs to her front door. She pressed her finger to the door, absently registering that it was already unlocked.
The lights of the habitat brightened.
It’s over, she thought. I’ll have Kiln out of that disgusting cell, and everything will be back to normal.
“Hello, Empress Nadira.” Bragnia stood before her. “May your mother be well.”
“Bragnia, what are you doing in my house?”
“You are under arrest for robbery and being an accessory to murder, and that’s just for starters.”
Two more Enforcers came from behind Bragnia, pulled Nadira’s hand behind her back.
“Bragnia, don’t do this.”
“I’m afraid it’s already done.”
“You know that I had nothing to do with those murders. Those shots were fired downstairs. I was upstairs.”
“Robbery, murder. It doesn’t matter. You’ll still be executed.”
The Enforcers pushed Nadira down the steps to the awaiting hovercraft.
“I want a comm!” Nadira commanded. “I have a right to a comm.”
She was thrown into the back of a hovercraft, and, as the craft rose in the air, she kicked at the door with her feet. “I want my comm!”
Chapter 29
Eva wrapped her arms around herself, steeling herself for what she had to say as Lex sat next to her on the sofa
He handed her a blanket.
She accepted it, and moved away.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“There’s something I have to tell you.” She turned her body to him, kept her eyes on his throat. “I’m not going off world. I can’t leave my mother here alone.”
“I figured as much.”
“And there’s something else.”
“Yes, Empress.”
“I can’t keep you.”
Lex froze. “What?”
“I have to send you back to the Slave Market. I can’t keep you here.”
“But why? I thought that we-”
She held up a hand, “I know. And that’s why I can’t keep you.” She met his eye. “I’m sorry Lex. I can’t do this. I can’t do it to my mother, to my planet. I just can’t.”
“And what about you? You speak of your mother, your planet. What do you want?” He placed a finger beneath her chin, tipping her head up to meet his eye. “Eva, what do you want to do?”
She shook her head, forcing the tears back. “I don’t know. I only know that I can’t stop thinking about you. When you’re not here, I’m cold. And when you are, I’m not.”
“Is that what you want? To be cold again?”
The very idea disgusted her. “No.”
“Then tell me, Eva. What do you want?”
Her lips covered his, hungry and forceful.
You, she thought.
He pulled away. “Are we in this together?” He asked.
“I don’t know.”
“You have to know. Tell me that you want me to stay. Tell me that you want me the way I want you.”